K3 Pro / K3 automatic thermometer wall mounted Non-contact Infrared Thermometer Wall-mounted High Precision Thermometer
status description
1. Standby: The red dot on the bottom of the display lights up in sequence.
2. Insufficient power: The horizontal bar lights up in the middle of the display.
3. Normal temperature: The green light flashes and the alarm "quotient".
4. Abnormal temperature: red light flashes and quotient alarm.
5. Default value: L0 ': ultra-low temperature alarm. "HI": Super high temperature alarm.
Instructions for use
1. Temperature measurement: measure 5-10 cm in front of the thermometer.
2. Mode switching: Side button
(1) Temperature unit: Press the "Mode Switch Button", then select "C" or "F"
C: Celsius
F: Fahrenheit